
Supply Levels

We need to make sure every driver is fully stocked! Things are starting to ramp up. Make sure each of you has the following: 1 Printer, 10 Label Rolls (A Box), 1000 Test Kits, 200 Specimen Bags, 10 FedEx Bags and 10 FedEx Labels


Note On Picking Up Supplies

When you grab DYMO labels, take a whole box of them: don’t just grab a few rolls. When you grab a case of test kits, take them from the supply area in the warehouse. There is ample signage to designate this area now. The reason: Inventory has been getting messed up. Thank you!


End-Of-Shift Inventory

Remember to inventory your ride at the end of your shift on MONDAY and THURSDAY only! We now have a form for that (above). Also remember to note in the supply log at the warehouse any time you take a Dymo printer or labels. Thank you!


Welcome Mako Drivers!

The intent of this portal right now is simply to smooth communication between the warehouse team and you. Now you don’t have to text around to find out who is at the warehouse. We can update this on the fly as people come and go, so the numbers you see here are only for LTCF staff members actually at work. We can also post messages and updates here. In time, we would like to bring the routes/confirmation/skip/additions process here as well. We have a lot of cool features in mind for that, but don’t hold your breath. That is still about two months out. Do you have suggestions for improvement? Bring them to Jason at the warehouse. Footnote: The car I used for our logo is the 1965 Chevrolet Corvette Mako Shark II.